omero.util.import_candidates module

Utility method for calling the equivalent of “omero import -f”. Results are parsed when using as_dictionary.

util.import_candidates.as_dictionary(path, readers='', extra_args=None)[source]

Run as_stdout, parses the output and returns a dictionary of the form:

` { some_file_in_group : [ some_file_in_group some_other_file_in_group ... last_file_in_group ], some_file_in_second_group : ... } ` you can pass more arguments to the import command through the extra_args argument in the form of a list.

` to_import = as_dictionary("/my/dir/with_tifs", extra_args=["--depth", "6"]) `

will go through the directories with a depth level of 6 instead of the default 4. Arguments of interest might be: debugging, report, logback. Note that the command runs locally so options such as –exclude will not work as they need information from the server.

util.import_candidates.as_stdout(path, readers='', extra_args=None)[source]

Returns the import candidates for the given path.

you can pass more arguments to the import command through the extra_args argument in the form of a list.


>>> as_stdout("/my/dir/with_tifs", extra_args=["--depth", "6"])