Source code for util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OMERO Utilities package
# Copyright 2009 Glencoe Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

from appdirs import user_data_dir, user_cache_dir
import os
import sys
import Ice
import shlex
import omero
import IcePy
import IceGrid
import logging
import platform
import Glacier2
import threading
import logging.handlers
import omero.util.concurrency
import uuid
import omero.ObjectFactoryRegistrar as ofr

from omero.util.decorators import locked
from omero_version import omero_version

import omero_ext.path as path

LOGDIR = os.path.join("var", "log")
LOGFORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)40s] " \
            "(%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s"
LOGSIZE = 500000000

orig_stdout = sys.stdout
orig_stderr = sys.stderr

# Application name, Author (Windows only), Major version
APPDIR_DEFAULTS = ('', 'OME', omero_version.split('.')[0])

[docs] def make_logname(self): """ Generates a logname from the given instance using the module and name from its class """ log_name = "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) return log_name
[docs] def configure_logging(logdir=None, logfile=None, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, format=LOGFORMAT, filemode=LOGMODE, maxBytes=LOGSIZE, backupCount=LOGNUM, time_rollover=False): if logdir is None or logfile is None: handler = logging.StreamHandler() elif not time_rollover: handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( os.path.join(logdir, logfile), maxBytes=maxBytes, backupCount=backupCount) else: handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( os.path.join(logdir, logfile), 'midnight', 1) # Windows will not allow renaming (or deleting) a file that's open. # There's nothing the logging package can do about that. try: sys.getwindowsversion() except: handler.doRollover() handler.setLevel(loglevel) formatter = logging.Formatter(format) handler.setFormatter(formatter) rootLogger = logging.getLogger() rootLogger.setLevel(loglevel) rootLogger.addHandler(handler) return rootLogger
[docs] def configure_server_logging(props): """ Takes an Ice.Properties instance and configures logging """ program_name = props.getProperty("Ice.Admin.ServerId") # Using Ice.ProgramName on Windows failed log_dir = props.getPropertyWithDefault("", LOGDIR) log_name = program_name + ".log" log_timed = props.getPropertyWithDefault( "omero.logging.timedlog", "False")[0] in ('T', 't') log_num = int( props.getPropertyWithDefault("omero.logging.lognum", str(LOGNUM))) log_size = int( props.getPropertyWithDefault("omero.logging.logsize", str(LOGSIZE))) log_num = int( props.getPropertyWithDefault("omero.logging.lognum", str(LOGNUM))) log_level = int( props.getPropertyWithDefault("omero.logging.level", str(LOGLEVEL))) configure_logging(log_dir, log_name, loglevel=log_level, maxBytes=log_size, backupCount=log_num, time_rollover=log_timed) sys.stdout = StreamRedirect(logging.getLogger("stdout")) sys.stderr = StreamRedirect(logging.getLogger("stderr"))
[docs] class StreamRedirect(object): """ Since all server components should exclusively using the logging module any output to stdout or stderr is caught and logged at "WARN". This is useful, especially in the case of Windows, where stdout/stderr is eaten. """ def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger self.internal = logging.getLogger("StreamRedirect") self.softspace = False
[docs] def flush(self): pass
[docs] def write(self, msg): msg = msg.strip() if msg: self.logger.warn(msg)
def __getattr__(self, name): self.internal.warn("No attribute: %s" % name)
[docs] class Dependency(object): """ Centralized logic for declaring and logging a service dependency on a non-shipped library. This is called lazily from the run method of the application to give logging time to be initialized. See #4566 """ def __init__(self, key): self.key = key
[docs] def get_version(self, target): """ Get version method which returns a string representing. Should be overwritten by subclasses for packages/modules with no __version__ field. """ return target.__version__
[docs] def check(self, logger): try: target = __import__(self.key) version = self.get_version(target)"Loaded dependency %s (%s)" % (self.key, version)) return True except ImportError: logger.error("Failed to load: '%s'" % self.key) return False
[docs] def internal_service_factory(communicator, user="root", group=None, retries=6, interval=10, client_uuid=None, stop_event=None): """ Try to return a ServiceFactory from the grid. Try a number of times then give up and raise the last exception returned. This method will only work internally to the grid, i.e. behind the Glacier2 firewall. It is intended for internal servers to be able to create sessions for accessing the database. :: communicator := Ice.Communicator used to find the registry user := Username which should have a session created group := Group into which the session should be logged retries := Number of session creation retries before throwing interval := Seconds between retries client_uuid := Uuid of the client which should be used """ log = logging.getLogger("omero.utils") if stop_event is None: stop_event = omero.util.concurrency.get_event( name="internal_service_factory") tryCount = 0 excpt = None query = communicator.stringToProxy("IceGrid/Query") query = IceGrid.QueryPrx.checkedCast(query) implicit_ctx = communicator.getImplicitContext() implicit_ctx.put(omero.constants.AGENT, "Python service") if client_uuid is not None: implicit_ctx.put(omero.constants.CLIENTUUID, client_uuid) else: if not implicit_ctx.containsKey(omero.constants.CLIENTUUID): client_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) implicit_ctx.put(omero.constants.CLIENTUUID, client_uuid) while tryCount < retries: if stop_event.isSet(): # Something is shutting down, exit. return None try: blitz = query.findAllObjectsByType("::Glacier2::SessionManager")[0] blitz = Glacier2.SessionManagerPrx.checkedCast(blitz) sf = blitz.create(user, None) # Group currently unused. return omero.api.ServiceFactoryPrx.checkedCast(sf) except Exception as e: tryCount += 1"Failed to get session on attempt %s", str(tryCount)) excpt = e stop_event.wait(interval) log.warn("Reason: %s", str(excpt)) if excpt: raise excpt
[docs] def create_admin_session(communicator): """ """ reg = communicator.stringToProxy("IceGrid/Registry") reg = IceGrid.RegistryPrx.checkedCast(reg) adm = reg.createAdminSession('null', '') return adm
[docs] def add_grid_object(communicator, obj): """ """ communicator.identityToString(obj.ice_getIdentity()) adm = create_admin_session(communicator) prx = adm.getAdmin() try: try: prx.addObject(obj) except IceGrid.ObjectExistsException: prx.updateObject(obj) finally: adm.destroy()
[docs] def long_to_path(id, root=""): """ Converts a long to a path such that for all directiories only a 1000 files and a 1000 subdirectories will be returned. This method duplicates the logic in """ suffix = "" remaining = id dirno = 0 if id is None or id == "": raise Exception("Expecting a not-null id.") id = int(id) if id < 0: raise Exception("Expecting a non-negative id.") while (remaining > 999): remaining /= 1000 if remaining > 0: dirno = remaining % 1000 suffix = os.path.join("Dir-%03d" % dirno, suffix) return os.path.join(root, "%s%s" % (suffix, id))
[docs] def load_dotted_class(dotted_class): """ Load a Python class of the form "pkg.mod.Class" via __import__ and return it. No ctor or similar is called. """ try: parts = dotted_class.split(".") pkg = ".".join(parts[0:-2]) mod = str(parts[-2]) kls = parts[-1] got = __import__(pkg, fromlist=[mod]) got = getattr(got, mod) return getattr(got, kls) except Exception as e: raise Exception("""Failed to load: %s previous excetion: %s""" % (dotted_class, e))
[docs] class ServerContext(object): """ Context passed to all servants. server_id, communicator, and stop_event will be constructed by the top-level Server instance. A context instance may also be configured to hold on to an internal session (ServiceFactoryPrx) and keep it alive. This instance obeys the Resources API and calls sf.keepAlive(None) on every check call, but does nothing on cleanup. The sf instance must be manually cleaned as the final operation of a servant. (Note: cleanup of the server context indicates server shutdown, so should be infrequent) """ def __init__(self, server_id, communicator, stop_event, on_newsession=None): self._lock = threading.RLock() self.logger = logging.getLogger("omero.util.ServerContext") self.server_id = server_id self.communicator = communicator self.stop_event = stop_event self.servant_map = dict() self.on_newsession = None @locked def add_servant(self, adapter_or_current, servant, ice_identity=None): oa = adapter_or_current if isinstance(adapter_or_current, (Ice.Current, IcePy.Current)): oa = oa.adapter if ice_identity is None: prx = oa.addWithUUID(servant) else: prx = oa.add(servant, ice_identity) servant.setProxy(prx) self.servant_map[prx] = servant return prx
[docs] def newSession(self): self.session = internal_service_factory( self.communicator, stop_event=self.stop_event) if callable(self.on_newsession): self.on_newsession(self.session)
[docs] def hasSession(self): return hasattr(self, "session")
@locked def getSession(self, recreate=True): """ Returns the ServiceFactoryPrx configured for the context if available. If the context was not configured for sessions, an ApiUsageException will be thrown: servants should know whether or not they were configured for sessions. See Servant(..., needs_session = True) Otherwise, if there is no ServiceFactoryPrx, an attempt will be made to create one if recreate == True. If the value is None or non can be recreated, an InternalException will be thrown. TODO : currently no arguments are provided for re-creating these, but also not in Servant.__init__ """ if not self.hasSession(): raise omero.ApiUsageException( "Not configured for server connection") if self.session: try: self.session.keepAlive(None) except Ice.CommunicatorDestroyedException: self.session = None # Ignore except Exception as e: self.logger.warn("Connection failure: %s" % e) self.session = None if self.session is None and recreate: try: self.newSession()"Established connection: %s" % self.session) except Exception as e: self.logger.warn("Failed to establish connection: %s" % e) if self.session is None: raise omero.InternalException("No connection to server") return self.session
[docs] def check(self): """ Calls getSession() but always returns True. This keeps the context available in the resources for later uses, and tries to re-establish a connection in case Blitz goes down. """ try: self.getSession() except: pass return True
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Does nothing. Context clean up must happen manually since later activities may want to reuse it. Servants using a server connection should cleanup the instance *after* Resources is cleaned up """ pass
[docs] class Server(Ice.Application): """ Basic server implementation which can be used for implementing a standalone python server which can be started from icegridnode. The servant implementation MUST have a constructor which takes a single ServerContext argument AND have a cleanup() method Logging is configured relative to the current directory to be in var/log by default. Usage:: if __name__ == "__main__": app=Server( ServicesI, "ServicesAdapter", Ice.Identity("Services","")) sys.exit(app.main(sys.argv)) app.impl now points to an instance of ServicesI """ def __init__(self, impl_class, adapter_name, identity, logdir=LOGDIR, dependencies=()): self.impl_class = impl_class self.adapter_name = adapter_name self.identity = identity self.logdir = logdir self.stop_event = omero.util.concurrency.get_event(name="Server") self.dependencies = dependencies
[docs] def waitOnStartup(self): ms = 10000 # 10 seconds by default try: i = os.environ.get("OMERO_STARTUP_WAIT", "10000") ms = int(i) except: self.logger.debug(exc_info=1) try:"Waiting %s ms on startup" % ms) self.stop_event.wait(ms // 1000) except: self.logger.debug(exc_info=1)
[docs] def run(self, args): from omero.rtypes import ObjectFactories as rFactories from omero.columns import ObjectFactories as cFactories props = self.communicator().getProperties() configure_server_logging(props) self.logger = logging.getLogger("omero.util.Server")"*" * 80) self.waitOnStartup()"Starting") failures = 0 for x in self.dependencies: if not x.check(self.logger): failures += 1 if failures: self.logger.error("Missing dependencies: %s" % failures) sys.exit(50) self.shutdownOnInterrupt() try: ofr.registerObjectFactory(self.communicator(), None) # No client for of in list(rFactories.values()) + list(cFactories.values()): of.register(self.communicator()) try: serverid = self.communicator().getProperties().getProperty( "Ice.ServerId") ctx = ServerContext( serverid, self.communicator(), self.stop_event) self.impl = self.impl_class(ctx) getattr(self.impl, "cleanup") # Required per docs except: self.logger.error("Failed initialization", exc_info=1) sys.exit(100) try: self.adapter = self.communicator().createObjectAdapter( self.adapter_name) self.adapter.activate() # calls setProxy ctx.add_servant(self.adapter, self.impl, self.identity) # ticket:1978 for non-collocated registries prx = self.adapter.createDirectProxy(self.identity) # This must happen _after_ activation add_grid_object(self.communicator(), prx) except: self.logger.error("Failed activation", exc_info=1) sys.exit(200)"Entering main loop") self.communicator().waitForShutdown() finally: self.stop_event.set() # Let's all waits shutdown"Cleanup") self.cleanup()"Stopped")"*" * 80)
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Cleans up all resources that were created by this server. Primarily the one servant instance. """ if hasattr(self, "impl"): try: self.impl.cleanup() finally: del self.impl
[docs] class SimpleServant(object): """ Base servant initialization. Doesn't create or try to cleanup a top-level Resources thread. This is useful for large numbers of servants. For servers and other singleton-like servants, see "Servant" """ def __init__(self, ctx): self._lock = threading.RLock() self.prx = None # Proxy which points to self self.ctx = ctx self.stop_event = ctx.stop_event self.communicator = ctx.communicator self.logger = logging.getLogger(make_logname(self)) self.logger.debug("Created")
[docs] def setProxy(self, prx): """ Should be overwritten for post-initialization activities. The reason this method exists is that the implementation must be complete before registering it with the adapter. """ self.prx = prx
[docs] class Servant(SimpleServant): """ Abstract servant which can be used along with a slice2py generated dispatch class as the base type of high-level servants. These provide resource cleanup as per the omero.util.Server class. By passing "needs_session = True" to this constructor, an internal session will be created and stored in ServerContext as well as registered with self.resources """ def __init__(self, ctx, needs_session=False): SimpleServant.__init__(self, ctx) self.resources = omero.util.Resources( sleeptime=60, stop_event=self.stop_event) if needs_session: self.ctx.newSession() self.resources.add(self.ctx)
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Cleanups all resoures created by this servant. Calling cleanup multiple times should be safe. """ resources = self.resources self.resources = None if resources is not None:"Cleaning up") resources.cleanup()"Done") if self.ctx.hasSession(): try: sf = self.ctx.getSession(recreate=False) self.logger.debug("Destroying %s" % sf) sf.destroy() except: pass
def __del__(self): self.cleanup()
[docs] class Resources(object): """ Container class for storing resources which should be cleaned up on close and periodically checked. Use stop_event.set() to stop the internal thread. """ def __init__(self, sleeptime=60, stop_event=None): """ Add resources via add(object). They should have a no-arg cleanup() and a check() method. The check method will be called periodically (default: 60 seconds) on each resource. The cleanup method will be called on Resources.cleanup() """ self.stuff = [] self._lock = threading.RLock() self.logger = logging.getLogger("omero.util.Resources") self.stop_event = stop_event if not self.stop_event: self.stop_event = omero.util.concurrency.get_event( name="Resources") if sleeptime < 5: raise Exception( "Sleep time should be greater than 5: %s" % sleeptime) self.sleeptime = sleeptime class Task(threading.Thread): """ Internal thread used for checking "stuff" """ def run(self): ctx = self.ctx # Outer class"Starting") while not ctx.stop_event.isSet(): try: ctx.logger.debug("Executing") copy = ctx.copyStuff() remove = ctx.checkAll(copy) ctx.removeAll(remove) except: ctx.logger.error( "Exception during execution", exc_info=True) ctx.logger.debug("Sleeping %s" % ctx.sleeptime) # ticket:1531 - Attempting to catch threading issues try: ctx.stop_event.wait(ctx.sleeptime) except ValueError: pass if isinstance(ctx.stop_event, omero.util.concurrency.AtExitEvent): if ctx.stop_event.atexit: return # Skipping log. See #3260"Halted") self.thread = Task() self.thread.ctx = self self.thread.start() @locked def copyStuff(self): """ Within a lock, copy the "stuff" list and reverse it. The list is reversed so that entries added later, which may depend on earlier added entries get a chance to be cleaned up first. """ copy = list(self.stuff) copy.reverse() return copy # Not locked
[docs] def checkAll(self, copy): """ While stop_event is unset, go through the copy of stuff and call the check method on each entry. Any that throws an exception or returns a False value will be returned in the remove list. """ remove = [] for m in copy: if self.stop_event.isSet(): return # Let cleanup handle this self.logger.debug("Checking %s" % m[0]) method = getattr(m[0], m[2]) rv = None try: rv = method() except: self.logger.warn("Error from %s" % method, exc_info=True) if not rv: remove.append(m) return remove
@locked def removeAll(self, remove): """ Finally, within another lock, call the "cleanup" method on all the entries in remove, and remove them from the official stuff list. (If stop_event is set during execution, we return with the assumption that Resources.cleanup() will take care of them) """ for r in remove: if self.stop_event.isSet(): return # Let cleanup handle this self.logger.debug("Removing %s" % r[0]) self.safeClean(r) self.stuff.remove(r) @locked def add(self, object, cleanupMethod="cleanup", checkMethod="check"): entry = (object, cleanupMethod, checkMethod) self.logger.debug("Adding object %s" % object) self.stuff.append(entry) @locked def cleanup(self): stuff = self.stuff self.stuff = None self.stop_event.set() if stuff: for m in stuff: self.safeClean(m) self.logger.debug("Cleanup done")
[docs] def safeClean(self, m): try: self.logger.debug("Cleaning %s" % m[0]) method = getattr(m[0], m[1]) method() except: self.logger.error("Error cleaning resource: %s" % m[0], exc_info=1)
def __del__(self): self.cleanup()
[docs] class Environment(object): """ Simple class for creating an executable environment """ def __init__(self, *args): """ Takes an number of environment variable names which should be copied to the target environment if present in the current execution environment. """ if sys.platform == "win32": # Prevents SocketException. See ticket:1518 self.env = os.environ.copy() else: self.env = {} for arg in args: if arg in os.environ: self.env[arg] = os.environ[arg] def __call__(self): """ Returns the environment map when called. """ return self.env
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """ Manually sets a value in the target environment. """ self.env[key] = value
[docs] def append(self, key, addition): """ Manually adds a value to the environment string """ if key in list(self.env.keys()): self.env[key] = os.pathsep.join([self.env[key], addition]) else: self.set(key, addition)
# # Miscellaneious utilities #
[docs] def get_user(default=None): """ Returns the username. For most purposes, this value will be the same as getpass.getuser on Unix and win32api.GetUserName on Windows, but in some situations (when running without a terminal, etc) getuser may throw a KeyError. In which case, or if the username resolves to False, the default value be returned. Any unexpected exceptions will be thrown. See ticket:6307 """ rv = None try: import getpass rv = getpass.getuser() # Uses environment variable or pwd except KeyError: # 6307, probably system pass except ImportError: # No pwd on Windows import win32api rv = win32api.GetUserName() if not rv: return default else: return rv
[docs] def get_omero_userdir(): """ Returns the OMERO user directory In 6.0.0 the default will change to use appdirs.user_data_dir. You can enable this behaviour now by setting OMERO_USERDIR="" (empty string) instead of unset. Note that files in the old user directory will not be migrated. """ omero_userdir = os.environ.get('OMERO_USERDIR', None) if omero_userdir: return path.path(omero_userdir) elif omero_userdir == "": return path.path(user_data_dir(*APPDIR_DEFAULTS)) else: return path.path(get_user_dir()) / "omero"
[docs] def get_omero_user_cache_dir(): """Returns the OMERO user cache directory""" omero_userdir = os.environ.get('OMERO_USERDIR', None) if omero_userdir: return path.path(omero_userdir) / "cache" else: return path.path(user_cache_dir(*APPDIR_DEFAULTS))
# Other application directories may be added in future, see #
[docs] def get_user_dir(): exceptions_to_handle = (ImportError) try: from pywintypes import com_error from import shellcon, shell exceptions_to_handle = (ImportError, com_error) homeprop = shell.SHGetFolderPath(0, shellcon.CSIDL_APPDATA, 0, 0) except exceptions_to_handle: homeprop = os.path.expanduser("~") if "~" == homeprop: # ticket:5583 raise Exception("Unexpanded '~' from expanduser: see ticket:5583") return homeprop
[docs] def edit_path(path_or_obj, start_text): f = path.path(path_or_obj) editor = os.getenv("VISUAL") or os.getenv("EDITOR") if not editor: if platform.system() == "Windows": editor = "Notepad.exe" else: editor = "vi" if isinstance(start_text, str): start_text = start_text.encode("utf-8") f.write_text(start_text) # If absolute, then use the path # as is (ticket:4246). Otherwise, # use to find it. editor_parts = shlex.split(editor) editor = editor_parts[0] editor_obj = path.path(editor) if editor_obj.isabs(): editor_parts[0] = editor else: from omero_ext.which import which editor_parts[0] = which(editor) editor_parts.append(f) pid = os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, editor_parts[0], *tuple(editor_parts)) if pid: re = RuntimeError( "Couldn't spawn editor: %s" % editor_parts[0]) = pid raise re
# From:
[docs] def tail_lines(filename, linesback=10, returnlist=0): """Does what "tail -10 filename" would have done Parameters: filename file to read linesback Number of lines to read from end of file returnlist Return a list containing the lines instead of a string """ avgcharsperline = 75 file = open(filename, 'r') while 1: try: * avgcharsperline * linesback, 2) except IOError: if file.tell() == 0: atstart = 1 else: atstart = 0 lines ="\n") if (len(lines) > (linesback + 1)) or atstart: break # The lines are bigger than we thought avgcharsperline = avgcharsperline * 1.3 # Inc avg for retry file.close() if len(lines) > linesback: start = len(lines) - linesback - 1 else: start = 0 if returnlist: return lines[start:len(lines) - 1] out = "" for l in lines[start:len(lines) - 1]: out = out + l + "\n" return out