Source code for scripts

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

   Scripting types
       - Classes:
           - Type        --  Top of parameter type hierarchy
           - Long        --
           - String      --
           - Bool        --
           - List
           - Map
           - Set
       - Functions:
           - client      -- Produces an omero.client object with given
                            input/output constraints.


import os
import logging

import omero
import omero.callbacks
import omero.util.concurrency
import omero.util.temp_files

from omero.rtypes import rint, rfloat, rstring, rinternal, rbool, rmap
from omero.rtypes import robject, rlist, rset, rtype, rlong, rdouble
from omero.rtypes import wrap, unwrap

from collections import defaultdict

BASE_LOG = logging.getLogger("omero.scripts")
PROC_LOG = logging.getLogger("omero.scripts.ProcessCallback")
TYPE_LOG = logging.getLogger("omero.scripts.Type")

[docs] class Type(omero.grid.Param): """ omero.grid.Param subclass which provides convenience methods for input/output specification. Further subclasses are responsible for creating proper prototypes. kwargs """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = None PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = None PROTOTYPE_MIN = None PROTOTYPE_MAX = None PROTOTYPE_VALUES = None def __init__(self, name, optional=True, out=False, description=None, default=None, **kwargs): # Non-Param attributes omero.grid.Param.__init__(self) # Non-Param attributes self._name = name self._in = True self._out = out # Other values will be filled in by the kwargs # Mostly leaving these for backwards compatibility self.description = description self.optional = optional # Assign all the kwargs for k, v in list(kwargs.items()): if not hasattr(self, k): TYPE_LOG.warn("Unknown property: %s", k) setattr(self, k, v) _DEF = self.__get(self.PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT, False) _FUN = self.__get(self.PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION) _MAX = self.__get(self.PROTOTYPE_MAX) _MIN = self.__get(self.PROTOTYPE_MIN) _VAL = self.__get(self.PROTOTYPE_VALUES) # Someone specifically set the prototype, then # we assume that useDefault should be True # For whatever reason, inheritance isn't working. if default is not None: newfunc = _FUN newdefault = default if isinstance(self, List): if isinstance(default, (list, tuple)): newdefault = wrap(default).val elif isinstance(default, omero.RCollection): newfunc = lambda x: x elif isinstance(default, omero.RType): default = [default] else: newfunc = lambda x: x newdefault = rlist([rtype(default)]) self.useDefault = True self.prototype = newfunc(newdefault) else: if not callable(_FUN): raise ValueError("Bad prototype function: %s" % _FUN) # To prevent weirdness, if the class default is # callable, we'll assume its a constructor and # create a new one to prevent modification. try: _def = _DEF() except TypeError: _def = _DEF self.prototype = _FUN(_def) # The following use wrap to guarantee that an rtype is present if self.min is not None: if _MIN is None: self.min = _FUN(self.min) else: self.min = _MIN(self.min) if self.max is not None: if _MAX is None: self.max = _FUN(self.max) else: self.max = _MAX(self.max) if self.values is not None: if _VAL is None: self.values = wrap(self.values) else: self.values = _VAL(self.values) # Now if useDefault has been set, either manually, or # via setting default="..." we check that the default # value matches a value if present if self.values is not None and self.values and self.useDefault: if isinstance(self.prototype, omero.RCollection): test = unwrap(self.prototype.val[0]) else: test = unwrap(self.prototype) values = unwrap(self.values) if test not in values: raise ValueError("%s is not in %s" % (test, values))
[docs] def out(self): self._in = False self._out = True return self
[docs] def inout(self): self._in = True self._out = True return self
[docs] def type(self, *arg): self.prototype = wrap(arg) return self
[docs] def name(self): return self._name
def __get(self, val, func=True): if val is not None: if func: return val.__func__ else: return val
[docs] class Object(Type): """ Wraps an robject """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = robject PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = None
[docs] class Long(Type): """ Wraps an rlong """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rlong PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = 0
[docs] class Int(Type): """ Wraps an rint """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rint PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = 0
[docs] class Double(Type): """ Wraps an rdouble """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rdouble PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = 0.0
[docs] class Float(Type): """ Wraps an rfloat """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rfloat PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = 0.0
[docs] class String(Type): """ Wraps an rstring """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rstring PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = ""
[docs] class Bool(Type): """ Wraps an rbool """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rbool PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = False
[docs] class Color(Type): """ Wraps an rinternal(Color) """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rinternal PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = omero.Color
[docs] class Point(Type): """ Wraps an rinternal(Point) """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rinternal PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = omero.Point
[docs] class Plane(Type): """ Wraps an rinternal(Plane) """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rinternal PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = omero.Plane
class __Coll(Type): """ Base type providing the append and extend functionality. Not for user use. """ PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = list def append(self, *arg): self.prototype.val.append(*arg) return self def extend(self, *arg): self.prototype.val.extend(*arg) return self def ofType(self, obj): if callable(obj): obj = obj() # Ctors, etc. # If someone used default=, then "ofType()" is not necessary # and so we check for their correspondence. if self.useDefault and self.prototype.val: if not isinstance(obj, self.prototype.val[0].__class__): raise ValueError( "ofType values doesn't match default value: %s <> %s" % (unwrap(obj), unwrap(self.prototype.val[0]))) else: self.prototype.val.append(wrap(obj)) return self
[docs] class Set(__Coll): """ Wraps an rset. To add values to the contents of the set, use "append" or "extend" since set.val is of type list. """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rset
[docs] class List(__Coll): """ Wraps an rlist. To add values to the contents of the list, use "append" or "extend" since set.val is of type list. """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rlist
[docs] class Map(Type): """ Wraps an rmap. To add values to the contents of the map, use "update" since map.val is of type dict. """ PROTOTYPE_FUNCTION = rmap PROTOTYPE_DEFAULT = dict
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): self.prototype.val.update(*args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] class ParseExit(Exception): """ Raised when this script should just parse parameters and return. """ def __init__(self, params): Exception.__init__(self) self.params = params
[docs] def client(*args, **kwargs): """ Entry point for all script engine scripts. Typical usage consists of:: client = omero.scripts.client("name","description", \ omero.scripts.Long("name"),...) where the returned client is created via the empty constructor to omero.client using only --Ice.Config or ICE_CONFIG, and the function arguments are taken as metadata about the current script. With this information, all script consumers should be able to determine the required types for execution. Possible types are all subclasses of omero.scripts.Type To change the omero.model.Format of the stdout and stderr produced by this script, use the constructor arguments:: client = omero.scripts.client(..., \ stdoutFormat = "text/plain", stderrFormat = "text/plain") If you would like to prevent stdout and/or stderr from being uploaded, set the corresponding value to None. If you would like to overwrite the value with another file, use client.setOutput(). Though it is possible to attach any RType to "stdout" or "stderr", there is an assumption that the value will be an robject(OriginalFileI()) Providing your own client is possible via the kwarg "client = ...", but be careful since this may break usage with the rest of the scripting framework. The client should not have a session, and must be configured for the argumentless version of createSession() """ args = list(args) if len(args) >= 1: if isinstance(args[0], str): kwargs["name"] = args.pop(0) if len(args) >= 1: if isinstance(args[0], str): kwargs["description"] = args.pop(0) if "client" not in kwargs: c = omero.client() router = c.getProperty("Ice.Default.Router") router = c.getCommunicator().stringToProxy(router) for endpoint in router.ice_getEndpoints(): host = endpoint.getInfo().host c.ic.getProperties().setProperty("", host) break else: BASE_LOG.warn("no host configuration found for script client") kwargs["client"] = c else: c = kwargs["client"] c.setAgent("OMERO.scripts") if args and isinstance(args[0], omero.grid.JobParams): c.params = args.pop(0) else: c.params = omero.grid.JobParams() c.params.inputs = {} c.params.outputs = {} for k, v in list(kwargs.items()): if hasattr(c.params, k): setattr(c.params, k, v) if not c.params.stdoutFormat: c.params.stdoutFormat = "text/plain" if not c.params.stderrFormat: c.params.stderrFormat = "text/plain" for p in args: if isinstance(p, Type): if p._in: c.params.inputs[p._name] = p if p._out: c.params.outputs[p._name] = p else: raise ValueError("Not Type: %s" % type(p)) handleParse(c) # May throw c.createSession().detachOnDestroy() return c
[docs] def handleParse(c): """ Raises ParseExit if the client has the configuration property "omero.scripts.parse". If the value is anything other than "only", then the parameters will also be sent to the server. """ parse = c.getProperty("omero.scripts.parse") if len(parse) > 0: # TODO Add to omero/ if parse != "only": c.createSession().detachOnDestroy() c.setOutput("omero.scripts.parse", rinternal(c.params)) raise ParseExit(c.params)
[docs] def parse_text(scriptText): """ Parses the given script text with "omero.scripts.parse" set and catches the exception. The parameters are returned. WARNING: This method calls "exec" on the given text. Do NOT use this on data you don't trust. """ try: cfg = omero.util.temp_files.create_path() cfg.write_lines(["omero.scripts.parse=only", ""]) old = os.environ.get("ICE_CONFIG") try: os.environ["ICE_CONFIG"] = cfg.abspath() exec(scriptText, {"__name__": "__main__"}) raise Exception("Did not throw ParseExit: %s" % scriptText) finally: if old: os.environ["ICE_CONFIG"] = old except ParseExit as exit: return exit.params
[docs] def parse_file(filename): """ Parses the given script file with "omero.scripts.parse" set and catches the exception. The parameters are returned. WARNING: This method calls "exec" on the given file's contents. Do NOT use this on data you don't trust. """ from omero_ext.path import path scriptText = path(filename).text() return parse_text(scriptText)
[docs] class MissingInputs(Exception): def __init__(self): Exception.__init__(self) self.keys = []
[docs] def parse_inputs(inputs_strings, params): """ Parses a command-line like string representation of input parameters into an RDict (a map from string to RType). The input should be an iterable of arguments of the form "key=value". For example, "a=1" gets mapped to {"a":1} """ inputs = {} for input_string in inputs_strings: rv = parse_input(input_string, params) inputs.update(rv) missing = MissingInputs() for key in sorted( params.inputs, key=lambda name: params.inputs.get(name).grouping): param = params.inputs.get(key) a = inputs.get(key, None) if not a: if param.useDefault: inputs[key] = param.prototype elif not param.optional: missing.keys.append(key) if missing.keys: missing.inputs = inputs raise missing return inputs
[docs] def parse_input(input_string, params): """ Parse a single input_string. The params """ parts = input_string.split("=") if len(parts) == 1: parts.append("") key = parts[0] val = parts[1] param = params.inputs.get(key) if param is None: return {} elif isinstance(param.prototype, omero.RBool): if val.lower() in ("false", "False", "0", ""): val = rbool(False) else: val = rbool(True) elif isinstance( param.prototype, (omero.RLong, omero.RString, omero.RInt, omero.RTime, omero.RDouble, omero.RFloat)): val = param.prototype.__class__(val) elif isinstance(param.prototype, (omero.RList, omero.RSet)): rmethod = omero.rtypes.rlist rwrap = omero.rtypes.wrap if isinstance(param.prototype, omero.RSet): rmethod = omero.rtypes.rset if len(param.prototype.val) > 0: rwrap = param.prototype.val[0].__class__ items = val.split(",") val = rmethod([rwrap(x) for x in items]) elif isinstance(param.prototype, omero.RObject): try: parts2 = val.split(":") kls = parts2[0] _id = int(parts2[1]) if not kls.endswith("I"): kls = "%sI" % kls kls = getattr(omero.model, kls) except: raise ValueError( "Format for objects: Class:id or ClassI:id. Not:%s" % val) val = omero.rtypes.robject(kls(_id, False)) else: raise ValueError("No converter for: %s (type=%s)" % (key, param.prototype.__class__)) return {key: val}
[docs] def group_params(params): """ Walks through the inputs of the given JobParams and returns a map-of-maps with Param names as the leaf nodes. For example, for the following: Params("1", grouping = "A") # "A." is equivalent Params("2", grouping = "A.B") Params("3", grouping = "A.C") this function returns: {"A" : {"": "1", "B" : "2", "C" : "3"} } while: Params("1", grouping = "A") returns: {"A" : "1"} """ nested_dict = lambda: defaultdict(nested_dict) groupings = nested_dict() ordered_params = sorted(list(params.inputs.items())) for param_name, v in ordered_params: val = v.grouping if val.endswith("."): val = val[:-1] parts = val.split(".") previous = None current = groupings for idx, key in enumerate(parts): if (idx+1) < len(parts): # We need to descend further previous = current current = current[key] else: # No further keys remaining, assign if isinstance(current, dict): if key in current: current[key][""] = param_name else: current[key] = param_name elif isinstance(current, str): # Here we assume the value is a node key replacement = dict() replacement[""] = current replacement[key] = param_name assert previous[parts[idx-1]] == current previous[parts[idx-1]] = replacement else: raise Exception(current, type(current)) return groupings
[docs] def error_msg(category, key, format_string, *args): c = "%s" % (category.upper()) s = """%s for "%s": %s\n""" % (c, key, format_string) return s % args
[docs] def compare_proto(key, proto, input, cache=None): if cache is None: cache = {} if id(proto) in cache and id(input) in cache: return "" # Prevent StackOverflow else: cache[id(proto)] = True cache[id(input)] = True itype = None ptype = None both_collection = False if input is not None: itype = input.__class__ both_collection = isinstance(input, omero.RCollection) if proto is not None: ptype = proto.__class__ both_collection &= isinstance(proto, omero.RCollection) # see # accept RSets as RLists and vice versa if not (both_collection or isinstance(input, ptype)): return error_msg("Wrong type", key, "%s != %s", itype, ptype) # Now recurse if a collection type errors = "" if isinstance(proto, omero.RMap) and len(proto.val) > 0: for x in list(input.val.values()): errors += compare_proto(key, list(proto.val.values())[0], x, cache) elif isinstance(proto, omero.RCollection) and len(proto.val) > 0: for x in input.val: errors += compare_proto(key, proto.val[0], x, cache) return errors
[docs] def expand(input): if input is None: items = [] elif isinstance(input, (list, tuple)): items = list(input) elif isinstance(input, dict): items = list(input.values()) else: items = [input] return items
[docs] def check_boundaries(key, min, max, input): errors = "" # Unwrap min = unwrap(min) max = unwrap(max) input = unwrap(input) items = expand(input) # Check for x in items: if min is not None and min > x: errors += error_msg("Out of bounds", key, "%s is below min %s", x, min) if max is not None and max < x: errors += error_msg("Out of bounds", key, "%s is above max %s", x, max) return errors
[docs] def check_values(key, values, input): errors = "" # Unwrap values = unwrap(values) input = unwrap(input) items = expand(input) values = expand(values) if not values: return errors for x in items: if x not in values: errors += error_msg("Value list", key, "%s not in %s", x, values) return errors
[docs] def validate_inputs(params, inputs, svc=None, session=None): """ Method used by to check the input values provided by the user launching the script. If a non-empty errors string is returned, then the inputs fail validation. A service instance can be provided in order to add default values to the session. If no service instance is provided, values with a default which are missing will be counted as errors. """ errors = "" for key, param in list(params.inputs.items()): if key not in inputs: if param.optional: if param.useDefault and svc is not None: set_input(svc, session, key, param.prototype) else: # Not optional if param.useDefault: errors += set_input(svc, session, key, param.prototype) else: errors += error_msg("Missing input", key, "") else: input = inputs[key] errors += compare_proto(key, param.prototype, input) errors += check_boundaries(key, param.min, param.max, input) errors += check_values(key, param.values, input) return errors
[docs] def set_input(svc, session, key, value): try: svc.setInput(session, key, value) return "" except Exception as e: return error_msg("Failed to set intput", key, "%s=%s. Error: %s", key, value, e)
# # Importing into omero.scripts namespace # ProcessCallbackI = omero.callbacks.ProcessCallbackI
[docs] def wait(client, process, ms=500): """ Wrapper around the use of ProcessCallbackI """ cb = ProcessCallbackI(client, process) while cb.block(500) is None: process.poll()