Source code for java

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#   Copyright 2007 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
#   Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

import os
import shlex
import platform
import subprocess

DEFAULT_DEBUG = "-Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8787,suspend=n"

[docs] def check_java(command): try: p = subprocess.Popen( [command[0], "-version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate() rc = p.wait() if rc == 0: return except: pass # Falls through to raise raise Exception("Java could not be found. (Executable=%s)" % command[0])
[docs] def makeVar(key, env): if key in list(os.environ.keys()): env[key] = os.environ[key]
[docs] def cmd(args, java="java", xargs=None, chdir=None, debug=None, debug_string=DEFAULT_DEBUG): """ Defines the command to be used by run or popen. """ # Convert strings to an array for appending if isinstance(java, str): command = [java] else: command = list(java) if isinstance(xargs, str): xargs = shlex.split(xargs) # Add our logging configuration early # so that it can be overwritten by xargs command += ["-Dlog4j.configuration=%s" % os.path.join("etc", "log4j.xml")] # Preapre arguments if xargs is not None: command += xargs # Prepare debugging if debug is None: if "DEBUG" in list(os.environ.keys()): command += ["-Xdebug", debug_string] else: if debug: command += ["-Xdebug", debug_string] # Add JAVA_OPTS at the end. ticket:1439 if "JAVA_OPTS" in list(os.environ.keys()): command += shlex.split(os.environ["JAVA_OPTS"]) # Do any mandatory configuration very late command += ["-Djava.awt.headless=true"] # Add the actual arguments now command += args return command
[docs] def run(args, use_exec=False, java="java", xargs=None, chdir=None, debug=None, debug_string=DEFAULT_DEBUG, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE): """ Execute a Java process, either via subprocess waiting for the process to finish and returning the output or if use_exec is True, via os.execvpe with the current environment. -X style arguments for the Java process can be set either via the xargs argument or if unset, the JAVA_OPTS environment variable will be checked. Note: shlex.split() is called on the JAVA_OPTS value and so bash-style escaping can be used to protect whitespaces. Debugging can more simply be turned on by passing True for the debug argument. If more control over the debugging configuration is needed, pass debug_string. """ command = cmd(args, java, xargs, chdir, debug, debug_string) check_java(command) if use_exec: env = os.environ if chdir: os.chdir(chdir) if platform.system() == "Windows": command = ["\"%s\"" % i for i in command] os.execvpe(command[0], command, env) else: os.execvpe(command[0], command, env) else: p = popen(args, java, xargs, chdir, debug, debug_string) output = p.communicate()[0] return output
[docs] def popen(args, java="java", xargs=None, chdir=None, debug=None, debug_string=DEFAULT_DEBUG, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE): """ Creates a subprocess.Popen object and returns it. Uses cmd() internally to create the Java command to be executed. This is the same logic as run(use_exec=False) but the Popen is returned rather than the stdout. """ command = cmd(args, java, xargs, chdir, debug, debug_string) check_java(command) if not chdir: chdir = os.getcwd() return subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=chdir, env=os.environ)