Source code for clients

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#   Copyright 2009 - 2016 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
#   Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

__save__ = __name__
__name__ = 'omero'
    api = __import__('omero.api')
    model = __import__('omero.model')
    util = __import__('omero.util')
    sys = __import__('omero.sys')
    import omero.all
    __name__ = __save__
    del __save__

sys = __import__("sys")
import threading
import logging
import IceImport
import Ice
import re
import ssl
import uuid

import Glacier2

[docs] class BaseClient(object): """ Central client-side blitz entry point, and should be in sync with OmeroJava's omero.client and OmeroCpp's omero::client. Typical usage includes:: # Uses --Ice.Config argument or ICE_CONFIG variable client = omero.client() # Defines "" client = omero.client(host = host) # Defines "" and "omero.port" client = omero.client(host = host, port = port) """ def __init__(self, args=None, id=None, host=None, port=None, pmap=None): """ Constructor which takes one sys.argv-style list, one initialization data, one host string, one port integer, and one properties map, in that order. *However*, to simplify use, we reassign values based on their type with a warning printed. A cleaner approach is to use named parameters. :: c1 = omero.client(None, None, "host", myPort) # Correct c2 = omero.client(host = "host", port = myPort) # Correct # Works with warning c3 = omero.client("host", myPort) Both "Ice" and "omero" prefixed properties will be parsed. Defines the state variables:: __previous : InitializationData from any previous communicator, if any. Used to re-initialization the client post-closeSession() __ic : communicator. Nullness => init() needed on createSession() __sf : current session. Nullness => createSession() needed. __resources: if non-null, hs access to this client instance and will periodically call sf.keepAlive(None) in order to keep any session alive. This can be enabled either via the omero.keep_alive configuration property, or by calling the enableKeepAlive() method. Once enabled, the period cannot be adjusted during a single session. Modifying these variables outside of the accessors can lead to undefined behavior. Equivalent to all OmeroJava and OmeroCpp constructors """ args, id, host, port, pmap = self._repair(args, id, host, port, pmap) # Setting all protected values to prevent AttributeError self.__agent = "" #: See setAgent self.__ip = None #: See setIP self.__insecure = False self.__previous = None self.__ic = None self.__oa = None self.__cb = None self.__sf = None self.__uuid = None self.__resources = None self.__lock = threading.RLock() # Logging self.__logger = logging.getLogger("omero.client") logging.basicConfig() # Does nothing if already configured # Reassigning based on argument type args, id, host, port, pmap = self._repair(args, id, host, port, pmap) if not args: args = [] # hosturl overrides all other args hosturl = self._check_for_hosturl(host, port, pmap) if hosturl: # omero.clients does a lot of mysterious magic autodetection. # If host is set it overrides the endpoint so instead set host to # None and store the host in a separate property host = None port = hosturl['port'] args.append(self._get_endpoint_from_hosturl(hosturl)) # Copying args since we don't really want them edited if args: # See ticket:5516 To prevent issues on systems where the base # class of path.path is unicode, we will encode all unicode # strings here. args = [arg.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(arg, str) else arg for arg in args] args = [x.decode("utf-8") for x in args] # Equiv to multiple constructors. ####################### if id is None: id = Ice.InitializationData() if is None: = Ice.createProperties(args)"omero", args) if host:"", str(host)) if hosturl:"", hosturl['server']) if not port: port = "omero.port", str(omero.constants.GLACIER2PORT))"omero.port", str(port)) if pmap: for k, v in list(pmap.items()):, str(v)) self._initData(id) def _repair(self, args, id, host, port, pmap): """ Takes the 5 arguments passed to the __init__ method and attempts to re-order them based on their types. This allows for simplified usage without parameter names. """ types = [list, Ice.InitializationData, str, int, dict] original = [args, id, host, port, pmap] repaired = [None, None, None, None, None] # Check all to see if valid valid = True for i in range(0, len(types)): if None != original[i] and not isinstance(original[i], types[i]): valid = False break if valid: return original # Now try to find corrections. for i in range(0, len(types)): found = None for j in range(0, len(types)): if isinstance(original[j], types[i]): if not found: found = original[j] else: raise omero.ClientError( "Found two arguments of same type: " + str(types[i])) if found: repaired[i] = found return repaired def _initData(self, id): """ Initializes the current client via an Ice.InitializationData instance. This is called by all of the constructors, but may also be called on createSession(name, pass) if a previous call to closeSession() has nulled the Ice.Communicator. """ if not id: raise omero.ClientError("No initialization data provided.") # Strictly necessary for this class to work self._optSetProp(id, "Ice.ImplicitContext", "Shared") self._optSetProp(id, "Ice.ACM.Client.Timeout", str(omero.constants.ACMCLIENTTIMEOUT)) self._optSetProp(id, "Ice.ACM.Client.Heartbeat", str(omero.constants.ACMCLIENTHEARTBEAT)) self._optSetProp(id, "Ice.CacheMessageBuffers", "0") self._optSetProp(id, "Ice.RetryIntervals", "-1") self._optSetProp(id, "Ice.Default.EndpointSelection", "Ordered") self._optSetProp(id, "Ice.Default.PreferSecure", "1") self._optSetProp(id, "Ice.Plugin.IceSSL", "IceSSL:createIceSSL") self._optSetProp(id, "IceSSL.VerifyDepthMax", "6") self._optSetProp(id, "IceSSL.VerifyPeer", "0") # Setting block size self._optSetProp( id, "omero.block_size", str(omero.constants.DEFAULTBLOCKSIZE)) # Setting MessageSizeMax self._optSetProp( id, "Ice.MessageSizeMax", str(omero.constants.MESSAGESIZEMAX)) # Setting ConnectTimeout self.parseAndSetInt(id, "Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout", omero.constants.CONNECTTIMEOUT) # Set large thread pool max values for all communicators for x in ("Client", "Server"): sizemax = "Ice.ThreadPool.%s.SizeMax" % x) if not sizemax or len(sizemax) == 0: "Ice.ThreadPool.%s.SizeMax" % x, "50") # Port, setting to default if not present port = self.parseAndSetInt(id, "omero.port", omero.constants.GLACIER2PORT) # Default Router, set a default and then replace router ="Ice.Default.Router") if not router or len(router) == 0: router = str(omero.constants.DEFAULTROUTER) host = "", """<"" not set>""") router = router.replace("@omero.port@", str(port)) router = router.replace("", str(host))"Ice.Default.Router", router) # Dump properties dump ="omero.dump") if len(dump) > 0: m = self.getPropertyMap( keys = list(m.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: print("%s=%s" % (key, m[key])) self.__lock.acquire() try: if self.__ic: raise omero.ClientError("Client already initialized") try: self.__ic = Ice.initialize(id) except Ice.EndpointParseException: msg = "No host specified. " msg += "Use omero.client(HOSTNAME), ICE_CONFIG, or similar." raise omero.ClientError(msg) if not self.__ic: raise omero.ClientError("Improper initialization") # Register Object Factory try: import ObjectFactoryRegistrar as ofr except ImportError: from . import ObjectFactoryRegistrar as ofr ofr.registerObjectFactory(self.__ic, self) for of in list(omero.rtypes.ObjectFactories.values()): of.register(self.__ic) # Define our unique identifier (used during close/detach) self.__uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) ctx = self.__ic.getImplicitContext() if not ctx: raise omero.ClientError( "Ice.ImplicitContext not set to Shared") ctx.put(omero.constants.CLIENTUUID, self.__uuid) # ticket:2951 - sending user group group ="", "") if group: ctx.put("", group) finally: self.__lock.release() def _check_for_hosturl(self, host, port, pmap): """ Checks whether the host is a URL, returns a dict of parameters if so """ # omero/util/ may initialise this class with a property-map if not host and pmap and '' in pmap: host = pmap[''] if not port and pmap and 'omero.port' in pmap: port = pmap['omero.port'] if not host: return {} hostmatch = re.match( r'(?P<protocol>\w+)://' r'(?P<server>[^:/]+)' r'(:(?P<port>\d+))?' r'(?P<path>/.*)?$', host) if hostmatch: hosturl = hostmatch.groupdict() if not hosturl['port']: hosturl['port'] = port if not hosturl['port']: default_ports = { 'ws': 80, 'wss': 443, 'tcp': 4063, 'ssl': 4064, } try: hosturl['port'] = default_ports[hosturl['protocol']] except KeyError: raise omero.ClientError( "Port required for protocol: " + hosturl['protocol']) hosturl['port'] = int(hosturl['port']) else: hosturl = {} return hosturl def _get_endpoint_from_hosturl(self, hosturl): """ Gets Ice.Default.Router from a dictionary of hosturl parameters """ ice_router = ( '--Ice.Default.Router=OMERO.Glacier2/router:{protocol} ' '-p {port} ' '-h {server}'.format(**hosturl)) if hosturl['path']: ice_router += ' -r {path}'.format(**hosturl) return ice_router
[docs] def setAgent(self, agent): """ Sets the omero.model.Session#getUserAgent() string for this client. Every session creation will be passed this argument. Finding open sessions with the same agent can be done via omero.api.ISessionPrx#getMyOpenAgentSessions(String). """ self.__agent = agent
[docs] def setIP(self, ip): """ Sets the omero.model.Session#getUserIP() string for this client. Every session creation will be passed this argument. Finding open sessions with the same IP can be done via omero.api.ISessionPrx#getMyOpenIPSessions(ip). """ self.__ip = ip
[docs] def isSecure(self): """ Specifies whether or not this client was created via a call to createClient with a boolean of False. If insecure, then all remote calls will use the insecure connection defined by the server. """ return not self.__insecure
[docs] def createClient(self, secure): """ Creates a possibly insecure omero.client instance and calls joinSession using the current getSessionId value. If secure is False, then first the "omero.router.insecure" configuration property is retrieved from the server and used as the value of "Ice.Default.Router" for the new client. Any exception thrown during creation is passed on to the caller. Note: detachOnDestroy has NOT been called on the session in the returned client. Clients are responsible for doing this immediately if such desired. """ props = self.getPropertyMap() if not secure: insecure = self.getSession().getConfigService().getConfigValue( "omero.router.insecure") if insecure is not None and insecure != "": # insecure still has, so we need to substitute it router = self.getRouter(self.getCommunicator()) if router is not None: for endpoint in router.ice_getEndpoints(): host = endpoint.getInfo().host if host != "": insecure = insecure.replace("", str(host)) props["Ice.Default.Router"] = insecure else: self.__logger.warn( "Could not retrieve \"omero.router.insecure\"") nClient = omero.client(props) nClient.__insecure = not secure nClient.setAgent("%s;secure=%s" % (self.__agent, secure)) nClient.joinSession(self.getSessionId()) return nClient
def __del__(self): """ Calls closeSession() and ignores any exceptions. Equivalent to close() in OmeroJava or omero::client::~client() """ try: self.closeSession() except Exception as e: # It is perfectly normal for the session to have been closed # before garbage collection # though for some reason I can't match this exception with the # Glacier2.SessionNotExistException class. # Using str matching instead. if 'Glacier2.SessionNotExistException' not in str(e.__class__): self.__logger.warning( "..Ignoring error in client.__del__:" + str(e.__class__))
[docs] def getCommunicator(self): """ Returns the Ice.Communicator for this instance or throws an exception if None. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: if not self.__ic: raise omero.ClientError( "No Ice.Communicator active; call createSession() " "or create a new client instance") return self.__ic finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def getAdapter(self): """ Returns the Ice.ObjectAdapter for this instance or throws an exception if None. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: if not self.__oa: raise omero.ClientError( "No Ice.ObjectAdapter active; call createSession() " "or create a new client instance") return self.__oa finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def getSession(self, blocking=True): """ Returns the current active session or throws an exception if none has been created since the last closeSession() If blocking is False, then self.__lock is not acquired and the value of self.__sf is simply returned. Clients must properly handle the situation where this value is None. """ if not blocking: return self.__sf self.__lock.acquire(blocking) try: sf = self.__sf if not sf: raise omero.ClientError("No session available") return sf finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def getSessionId(self): """ Returns the UUID for the current session without making a remote call. Uses getSession() internally and will throw an exception if no session is active. """ return self.getSession().ice_getIdentity().name
[docs] def getCategory(self): """ Returns the category which should be used for all callbacks passed to the server. """ return self.getRouter(self.__ic).getCategoryForClient()
[docs] def getImplicitContext(self): """ Returns the Ice.ImplicitContext which defines what properties will be sent on every method invocation. """ return self.getCommunicator().getImplicitContext()
[docs] def getContext(self, group=None): """ Returns a copy of the implicit context's context, i.e. dict(getImplicitContext().getContext()) for use as the last argument to any remote method. """ ctx = self.getImplicitContext().getContext() ctx = dict(ctx) if group is not None: ctx[""] = str(group) return ctx
[docs] def getProperties(self): """ Returns the active properties for this instance """ self.__lock.acquire() try: return self.__ic.getProperties() finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def getProperty(self, key): """ Returns the property for the given key or "" if none present """ return self.getProperties().getProperty(key)
[docs] def getPropertyMap(self, properties=None): """ Returns all properties which are prefixed with "omero." or "Ice." """ if properties is None: properties = self.getProperties() rv = dict() for prefix in ["omero", "Ice"]: for k, v in list(properties.getPropertiesForPrefix(prefix).items()): rv[k] = v return rv
[docs] def getDefaultBlockSize(self): """ Returns the user-configured "omero.block_size" property or omero.constants.DEFAULTBLOCKSIZE if none is set. """ try: return int(self.getProperty("omero.block_size")) except: return omero.constants.DEFAULTBLOCKSIZE
[docs] def joinSession(self, session): """ Uses the given session uuid as name and password to rejoin a running session """ return self.createSession(session, session)
[docs] def createSession(self, username=None, password=None): """ Performs the actual logic of logging in, which is done via the getRouter(). Disallows an extant ServiceFactoryPrx, and tries to re-create a null Ice.Communicator. A null or empty username will throw an exception, but an empty password is allowed. """ import omero self.__lock.acquire() try: # Checking state if self.__sf: raise omero.ClientError( "Session already active. " "Create a new omero.client or closeSession()") if not self.__ic: if not self.__previous: raise omero.ClientError( "No previous data to recreate communicator.") self._initData(self.__previous) self.__previous = None # Check the required properties if not username: username = self.getProperty("omero.user") elif isinstance(username, omero.RString): username = username.val if not username or len(username) == 0: raise omero.ClientError("No username specified") if not password: password = self.getProperty("omero.pass") elif isinstance(password, omero.RString): password = password.val if not password: raise omero.ClientError("No password specified") # Acquire router and get the proxy prx = None retries = 0 reason = None while retries < 3: if retries > 0: self.__logger.warning( "%s - createSession retry: %s" % (reason, retries)) try: ctx = self.getContext() ctx[omero.constants.AGENT] = self.__agent if self.__ip is not None: ctx[omero.constants.IP] = self.__ip rtr = self.getRouter(self.__ic) prx = rtr.createSession(username, password, ctx) # Create the adapter self.__oa = self.__ic.createObjectAdapterWithRouter( "omero.ClientCallback", rtr) self.__oa.activate() id = Ice.Identity() = self.__uuid id.category = rtr.getCategoryForClient() self.__cb = BaseClient.CallbackI(self.__ic, self.__oa, id) self.__oa.add(self.__cb, id) break except omero.WrappedCreateSessionException as wrapped: if not wrapped.concurrency: raise wrapped # We only retry concurrency issues. reason = "%s:%s" % (wrapped.type, wrapped.reason) retries = retries + 1 except Ice.ConnectTimeoutException as cte: reason = "Ice.ConnectTimeoutException:%s" % str(cte) retries = retries + 1 if not prx: raise omero.ClientError("Obtained null object prox") # Check type self.__sf = omero.api.ServiceFactoryPrx.uncheckedCast(prx) if not self.__sf: raise omero.ClientError( "Obtained object proxy is not a ServiceFactory") # Configure keep alive self.startKeepAlive() # Set the client callback on the session # and pass it to icestorm try: raw = self.__oa.createProxy( self.__sf.setCallback( omero.api.ClientCallbackPrx.uncheckedCast(raw)) # self.__sf.subscribe("/public/HeartBeat", raw) except: self.__del__() raise # Set the session uuid in the implicit context self.getImplicitContext().put( omero.constants.SESSIONUUID, self.getSessionId()) return self.__sf finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def enableKeepAlive(self, seconds): """ Resets the "omero.keep_alive" property on the current Ice.Communicator which is used on initialization to determine the time-period between Resource checks. The __resources instance will be created as soon as an active session is detected. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: # A communicator must be configured! ic = self.getCommunicator() # Setting this here guarantees that after closeSession() # the next createSession() will use the new value despite # what was in the configuration file ic.getProperties().setProperty("omero.keep_alive", str(seconds)) # If there's not a session, there should be no # __resources but just in case since startKeepAlive # could have been called manually. if seconds <= 0: self.stopKeepAlive() else: try: # If there's a session, then go ahead and # start the keep alive. self.getSession() self.startKeepAlive() except omero.ClientError: pass finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def startKeepAlive(self): """ Start a new __resources instance, stopping any that current exists IF omero.keep_alive is greater than 1. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: ic = self.getCommunicator() props = ic.getProperties() seconds = -1 try: seconds = props.getPropertyWithDefault( "omero.keep_alive", "-1") seconds = int(seconds) except ValueError: pass # Any existing resource should be shutdown. if self.__resources is not None: self.stopKeepAlive() # If seconds is more than 0, a new one should be started. if seconds > 0: self.__resources = omero.util.Resources(seconds) class Entry(object): def __init__(self, c): self.c = c def cleanup(self): pass def check(self): sf = self.c._BaseClient__sf ic = self.c._BaseClient__ic if sf is not None: try: sf.keepAlive(None) except Exception: if ic is not None: ic.getLogger().warning( "Proxy keep alive failed.") return False return True self.__resources.add(Entry(self)) finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def stopKeepAlive(self): self.__lock.acquire() try: if self.__resources is not None: try: self.__resources.cleanup() finally: self.__resources = None finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def getManagedRepository(self, description=False): repos = self.getSession().sharedResources().repositories() repoMap = list(zip(repos.proxies, repos.descriptions)) prx = None for (prx, desc) in repoMap: if not prx: continue prx = omero.grid.ManagedRepositoryPrx.checkedCast(prx) if prx: break if description: return(prx, desc) else: return prx
[docs] def getRouter(self, comm): """ Acquires the default router, and throws an exception if it is not of type Glacier2.Router. Also sets the Ice.ImplicitContext on the router proxy. """ prx = comm.getDefaultRouter() if not prx: raise omero.ClientError("No default router found.") router = Glacier2.RouterPrx.uncheckedCast(prx) if not router: raise omero.ClientError("Error obtaining Glacier2 router") # For whatever reason, we have to set the context # on the router context here as well router = router.ice_context(comm.getImplicitContext().getContext()) return router
[docs] def sha1(self, filename): """ Calculates the local sha1 for a file. """ from hashlib import sha1 as sha_new digest = sha_new() file = open(filename, 'rb') try: while True: block = if not block: break digest.update(block) finally: file.close() return digest.hexdigest()
[docs] def upload(self, filename, name=None, path=None, type=None, ofile=None, block_size=1024): """ Utility method to upload a file to the server. """ if not self.__sf: raise omero.ClientError("No session. Use createSession first.") import os import types if not filename or not isinstance(filename, str): raise omero.ClientError("Non-null filename must be provided") if not os.path.exists(filename): raise omero.ClientError("File does not exist: " + filename) from omero_ext.path import path as __path__ filepath = __path__(filename) file = open(filename, 'rb') try: size = os.path.getsize( if block_size > size: block_size = size if not ofile: ofile = omero.model.OriginalFileI() ofile.hash = omero.rtypes.rstring(self.sha1( ofile.hasher = omero.model.ChecksumAlgorithmI() ofile.hasher.value = omero.rtypes.rstring("SHA1-160") abspath = filepath.normpath().abspath() if not if name: = omero.rtypes.rstring(name) else: = omero.rtypes.rstring(str(abspath.basename())) if not ofile.path: ofile.path = omero.rtypes.rstring( str(abspath.dirname())+os.path.sep) if not ofile.mimetype: if type: # ofile.mimetype = 'application/octet-stream' by default ofile.mimetype = omero.rtypes.rstring(type) # Disabled with group permissions #1434 # if permissions: # ofile.details.permissions = permissions up = self.__sf.getUpdateService() ofile = up.saveAndReturnObject(ofile) prx = self.__sf.createRawFileStore() try: prx.setFileId( prx.truncate(size) # ticket:2337 self.write_stream(file, prx, block_size) finally: prx.close() finally: file.close() return ofile
[docs] def write_stream(self, file, prx, block_size=1024*1024): offset = 0 while True: block = if not block: break prx.write(block, offset, len(block)) offset += len(block)
[docs] def download(self, ofile, filename=None, block_size=1024*1024, filehandle=None): if not self.__sf: raise omero.ClientError("No session. Use createSession first.") # Search for objects in all groups. See #12146 ctx = self.getContext(group=-1) prx = self.__sf.createRawFileStore() try: if not ofile or not raise omero.ClientError("No file to download") ofile = self.__sf.getQueryService().get( "OriginalFile",, ctx) prx.setFileId(, ctx) size = None if prx.size() is None: name = omero.rtypes.unwrap( mimetype = omero.rtypes.unwrap(ofile.mimetype) raise omero.ClientError( ("invalid size for OriginalFile '%s' " "(mimetype:%s)") % (name, mimetype)) else: size = prx.size() if block_size > size: block_size = size if filehandle is None: if filename is None: raise omero.ClientError( "no filename or filehandle specified") filehandle = open(filename, 'wb') else: if filename: raise omero.ClientError( "filename and filehandle specified.") offset = 0 try: while (offset+block_size) < size: data =, block_size) try: filehandle.write(data) except TypeError: # for Python 3.5 filehandle.write(data.decode("utf-8")) offset += block_size data =, size - offset) try: filehandle.write(data) except TypeError: # for Python 3.5 filehandle.write(data.decode("utf-8")) finally: if filename: filehandle.close() finally: prx.close()
[docs] def submit(self, req, loops=10, ms=500, failonerror=True, ctx=None, failontimeout=True): handle = self.getSession().submit(req, ctx) return self.waitOnCmd( handle, loops=loops, ms=ms, failonerror=failonerror, failontimeout=failontimeout, closehandle=True)
[docs] def waitOnCmd(self, handle, loops=10, ms=500, failonerror=True, failontimeout=False, closehandle=False): from omero import LockTimeout try: callback = omero.callbacks.CmdCallbackI(self, handle) except: # Since the callback won't escape this method, # close the handle if requested. if closehandle and handle: handle.close() raise try: callback.loop(loops, ms) # Throw LockTimeout except LockTimeout: if failontimeout: callback.close(closehandle) raise else: return callback rsp = callback.getResponse() if isinstance(rsp, omero.cmd.ERR): if failonerror: callback.close(closehandle) raise omero.CmdError(rsp) return callback
[docs] def getStatefulServices(self): """ Returns all active StatefulServiceInterface proxies. This can be used to call close before calling setSecurityContext. """ rv = [] sf = self.sf services = sf.activeServices() for srv in services: try: prx = sf.getByName(srv) prx = omero.api.StatefulServiceInterfacePrx.checkedCast(prx) if prx is not None: rv.append(prx) except: self.__logger.warn( "Error looking up proxy: %s" % srv, exc_info=1) return rv
[docs] def closeSession(self): """ Closes the Router connection created by createSession(). Due to a bug in Ice, only one connection is allowed per communicator, so we also destroy the communicator. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: try: self.stopKeepAlive() except Exception as e: self.__logger.warning( "While cleaning up resources: " + str(e)) self.__sf = None oldOa = self.__oa self.__oa = None oldIc = self.__ic self.__ic = None # Only possible if improperly configured. if not oldIc: return if oldOa: try: oldOa.deactivate() except Exception as e: self.__logger.warning( "While deactivating adapter: " + str(e.message)) self.__previous = Ice.InitializationData() = oldIc.getProperties().clone() try: try: self.getRouter(oldIc).destroySession() except Glacier2.SessionNotExistException: # ok. We don't want it to exist pass except Ice.ConnectionLostException: # ok. Exception will always be thrown pass except Ice.ConnectionRefusedException: # ok. Server probably went down pass except Ice.ConnectTimeoutException: # ok. Server probably went down pass # Possible other items to handle/ignore: # * Ice.DNSException finally: oldIc.destroy() finally: self.__lock.release()
[docs] def killSession(self): """ Calls ISession.closeSession(omero.model.Session) until the returned reference count is greater than zero. The number of invocations is returned. If ISession.closeSession() cannot be called, -1 is returned. """ try: self.sf.getSessionService() except: self.__logger.warning( "Cannot get session service for killSession. " "Using closeSession") self.closeSession() return -1 count = 0 try: count = self.destroySession(self.getSessionId()) except: self.__logger.warning( "Unknown exception while closing all references", exc_info=True) # Now the server-side session is dead, call closeSession() self.closeSession() return count
[docs] def destroySession(self, session_uuid): """ Takes the UUID for a session and iterates over calls to ISession.closeSession until the reference count hits 0. Returns the number of calls to closeSession executed before hitting 0. Raises any non-RemovedSessionExceptions. """ svc = self.sf.getSessionService() s = omero.model.SessionI() s.uuid = omero.rtypes.rstring(session_uuid) count = 0 try: r = 1 while r > 0: count += 1 r = svc.closeSession(s) except omero.RemovedSessionException: pass return count
# Environment Methods # =========================================================== def _env(self, _unwrap, method, *args): """ Helper method to access session environment""" session = self.getSession() if not session: raise omero.ClientError("No session active") u = self.getSessionId() s = session.getSessionService() m = getattr(s, method) rv = m(*(u,)+args) if callable(_unwrap): rv = _unwrap(rv) # Passed in function elif _unwrap: rv = omero.rtypes.unwrap(rv) # Default method return rv
[docs] def getInput(self, key, unwrap=False): """ Retrieves an item from the "input" shared (session) memory. """ return self._env(unwrap, "getInput", key)
[docs] def getOutput(self, key, unwrap=False): """ Retrieves an item from the "output" shared (session) memory. """ return self._env(unwrap, "getOutput", key)
[docs] def setInput(self, key, value): """ Sets an item in the "input" shared (session) memory under the given name. """ self._env(False, "setInput", key, value)
[docs] def setOutput(self, key, value): """ Sets an item in the "output" shared (session) memory under the given name. """ self._env(False, "setOutput", key, value)
[docs] def getInputKeys(self): """ Returns a list of keys for all items in the "input" shared (session) memory """ return self._env(False, "getInputKeys")
[docs] def getOutputKeys(self): """ Returns a list of keys for all items in the "output" shared (session) memory """ return self._env(False, "getOutputKeys")
[docs] def getInputs(self, unwrap=False): """ Returns all items in the "input" shared (session) memory """ return self._env(unwrap, "getInputs")
[docs] def getOutputs(self, unwrap=False): """ Returns all items in the "output" shared (session) memory """ return self._env(unwrap, "getOutputKeys")
# # Misc. # def _optSetProp(self, id, key, default=""): val = if not val: val = default, val)
[docs] def parseAndSetInt(self, data, key, newValue): currentValue = if not currentValue or len(currentValue) == 0: newStr = str(newValue), newStr) currentValue = newStr return currentValue
def __getattr__(self, name): """ Compatibility layer, which allows calls to getCommunicator() and getSession() to be called via self.ic and self.sf """ if name == "ic": return self.getCommunicator() elif name == "sf": return self.getSession() elif name == "adapter": return self.getAdapter() else: raise AttributeError("Unknown property: " + name) # # Callback #
[docs] def onHeartbeat(self, myCallable): self.__cb.onHeartbeat = myCallable
[docs] def onSessionClosed(self, myCallable): self.__cb.onSessionClosed = myCallable
[docs] def onShutdownIn(self, myCallable): self.__cb.onShutdownIn = myCallable
[docs] class CallbackI(omero.api.ClientCallback): """ Implemention of ClientCallback which will be added to any Session which this instance creates. Note: this client should avoid all interaction with the {@link client#lock} since it can lead to deadlocks during shutdown. See: ticket:1210 """ # # Default callbacks # def _noop(self): pass def _closeSession(self): try: self.oa.deactivate() except Exception as e: sys.err.write("On session closed: " + str(e)) def __init__(self, ic, oa, id): self.ic = ic self.oa = oa = id self.onHeartbeat = self._noop self.onShutdownIn = self._noop self.onSessionClosed = self._noop
[docs] def execute(self, myCallable, action): try: myCallable() # self.ic.getLogger().trace("ClientCallback", action + " run") except: try: self.ic.getLogger().error("Error performing %s" % action) except: print("Error performing %s" % action)
[docs] def requestHeartbeat(self, current=None): self.execute(self.onHeartbeat, "heartbeat")
[docs] def shutdownIn(self, milliseconds, current=None): self.execute(self.onShutdownIn, "shutdown")
[docs] def sessionClosed(self, current=None): self.execute(self.onSessionClosed, "sessionClosed")